Marist campus in Florence Italy.

Study Abroad

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Frequently Asked Questions: Marist Abroad


Why should I study abroad?

出国留学至少在四个方面是一个全面的文科教育的组成部分. First, 出国留学有助于培养批判性意识和驾驭紧迫的全球问题的能力, and fosters the ability to contextualize diverse points of view within historical, political, and cultural contexts. Second, study abroad enhances academic learning, be it through exposure to international academic perspectives within one’s field, an opportunity to reflect upon and apply classroom study to real-world contexts, or rapid progression in foreign language acquisition. Third, study abroad supports personal growth. Study abroad enhances the development of vital life skills such as independence, drive, flexibility, a desire to look at issues from multiple perspectives, and problem solving skills in new and challenging situations. Finally, study abroad supports career development. 这一事实在研究中得到了证实:许多潜在雇主将留学经历视为一项非常可取的资产.

Where can I study abroad?

Marist offers semester and academic-year programs across the globe. A list of programs is available here.

A range of short-term study abroad programs (1-3 weeks) are also available. 许多由于某种原因不能在国外学习一学期或一学年的学生可以选择参加一个或多个教师主导的活动, short term programs. 一些学生还将参加一个短期项目,作为在国外学习一学期或一学年的“热身”. More information on our short-term programs can be found here.

What program should I choose?

这是一个核心问题,也是每个学生都必须花时间考虑的问题. Do you want to complete an internship alongside your classroom studies? 你希望在国外完成主修、辅修、选修或核心课程,还是这些课程的组合? Would you benefit from a homestay? Want to engage in community service or volunteer work?

有兴趣短期出国留学的学生,请查阅即将推出的短期项目暂定清单, 并与个别项目主任就特定项目的学术内容和目标进行交谈. The Marist Abroad office can assist in this discussion as well.

In terms of semester and academic year abroad, Marist Abroad期待与您合作,找到最适合您的教育目标的留学经历. 我们的网站是一个很好的起点,你可以考虑哪些选择对你最有意义. A list of our semester and academic year study abroad programs can be found here. 你可能希望与出国留学的校友交谈,他们可以提供有关出国留学经历的内部观点. Marist Abroad定期举办留学大使信息表以及校园内的其他信息发布会.

Once you have an idea of your educational objectives in study abroad, 安排一个时间与你的学术顾问见面,讨论一下出国留学如何符合你的学术计划, and to determine which program is right for you. 我们鼓励需要进一步建议的学生在我们的开放留学咨询期间来到玛丽斯特海外办公室.

How do I get overseas courses approved for Marist credit?

As part of the pre-departure process, 学生通过MyMarist门户网站填写课程选择表,代替注册. For each overseas course, 学生与相应的乐鱼官网系主任分享课程描述或教学大纲. Then, 主席可以给该学生分配相当于Marist的学分,并指出该学生将获得何种学分, and where the course will populate in the student's degree requirements (Core, Major, Minor, Concentration, Elective). 

Some abroad programs have lists of 'pre-approved classes,' where a Marist equivalent is already established. These programs include Florence, FIE London, Marist Mod'Spe, Marist Madrid, ASAP, and Aston Business School, along with a few others. 一定要检查你感兴趣或申请的课程是否已经预先批准了玛丽斯特学分. Note that where a course is pre-approved, the assigned Marist equivalent course will be used for all students.

Can I intern abroad?

有几个学期的项目,其中实习是建立在项目(FIE伦敦), Hansard Scholars Programme, 举两个例子)和其他项目,在这些项目中,实习是积极进取的学生的一个选择. While abroad, student interns commit to a set number of hours and credits, and remain in touch with their academic department's Internship Coordinator. While each department has different requirements, interns abroad typically submit journal entries, complete a series of required assignments, and compare notes with other interns around the world. In addition to internships, 也有一系列的服务学习计划,为学生寻求更有针对性的体验式学习.

How do I apply for study abroad?

可以找到短期、学期和学年项目的申请信息 here.

Apply early to secure your spot on the program!

What are the requirements for study abroad?

Marist requires a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 at the time of application for semester study abroad. 然而,大多数课程都有更高的要求,这些要求都在申请表上注明 programs page. Short-term programs require a minimum cumulative of 2.0 to be considered for admission. 所有出国留学的学生都必须在学生行为办公室保持良好的纪律. 一年级,二年级,三年级和四年级学生可以申请玛丽斯特短期课程. Participation in semester and academic year programs requires sophomore, 初级或高级职位(佛罗伦萨第一年经验除外). There are also a number of study abroad opportunities open to graduate students.

The application for study abroad comprises basic directory information, transcripts, a letter of recommendation, an entrance essay, and other supporting documentation. Application information and instructions can be found here.

How much does study abroad cost?

学生根据学院批准的学费时间表支付全日制本科学费,并支付额外的海外留学费用,以参加玛丽斯特海外计划(MAP)。. Students may access their tuition information through their MyMarist account. The MAP study abroad fee covers overseas housing, health insurance, pre-departure orientation, and program support from the Marist Office of International Programs. The MAP study abroad fee is based on upper-class, on-campus housing charges. 有限数量的项目需要支付MAP海外留学费用的额外补充. For more information, please contact the Office of International Programs.

Will my decision to study abroad impact my ability to live on-campus when I return?

All housing decisions at the College are made based on the priority point system, which assigns points to students based on their academic average, involvement with extra-curricular activities, disciplinary history, and condition of their residence area. 该系统由住房和住宿生活办公室使用,以便在进入乐鱼官网大学一年后为学生安排住房.

选择出国留学的学生的住房决定也在优先积分制度的框架内做出. However, because the College has a fixed number of beds available on campus, 大量学生选择在一个学期出国留学,可能会限制他们返回的学期校园的床位数量. In that case, 为出国留学的参与者提供最高优先级的校园住房. 

Will my decision to study abroad impact my ability to graduate on time?

计划你的海外学期的第一步是与你的学术顾问和玛丽斯特海外办公室合作,确定能让你保持在毕业轨道上的项目. Having an updated 4-year plan, identifying courses that can be taken abroad, and planning early and often will allow you to graduate on time. 

对于选择出国留学的大四学生来说,一个重要的注意事项:学期的海外项目成绩单可能需要三到四个月才能到达玛丽斯特. 这意味着在毕业前一个学期出国留学的高年级学生可能会有更晚的授予日期. Meanwhile, 参加春季实习的学生也可以根据项目的结束日期有一个较晚的授予日期. 在这种情况下,学生将获得8月31日的授予,而不是5月31日的授予. This would not interfere with walking on graduation day. 

Any other advice?

In addition to identifying the right program for you, discussing matters with your academic advisor, and completing your application as noted above, we also recommend checking out our Facebook page ("Marist Abroad") and following us on Twitter (MIPStudyAbroad).

Also, 寻找我们的玛丽斯特海外信息会议和出国留学博览会-这两个都是每学期提供的,并通过MyMarist和玛丽斯特海外页面公布. We look forward to working with you!

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