




我们相信在亲身实践的环境中学习将为你的成功奠定基础. 我们的学生可以选择参加包括校园电视在内的活动, 广播, 公关机构, 体育报道让他们有机会做自己喜欢的事情.  Our clubs 和 organizations are student run 和 each has a faculty advisor that guides there activities. 学校还为那些在课程中表现优异的学生设立了荣誉社团.



Learn more about student clubs, organizations, 和 honor societies >>



我们鼓励学生参加国内和国际比赛.  Each specific department within the 传播与艺术学院 has a variety of opportunities for student to participate in each year.  

传媒学院的学生们 & the Arts can expect a robust course of study strengthened by internship opportunities at top companies 和 a variety of unique educational experiences.  强大的文科背景与专业重点相结合, 为学生在充满活力的沟通世界中取得事业成功做好准备, 时尚, 还有艺术. 以下是学院的一些标志性项目和独特的教育机会.


而整个校园是由我们的学生支配的, many 传播与艺术 students find themselves in the 洛厄尔•托马斯 Communications Center 和 the Steel Plant. 

新装修的钢铁厂容纳了 时尚与艺术 & 数字媒体节目. 该设施的主要空间包括:数字实验室, 时尚工作室, 的MakerLab, 时装展览馆, 艺术画廊, 大卖场零售实验室, 和冬季花园. Learn more about the Steel Plant >>

洛厄尔•托马斯, named in memory of the legendary broadcast pioneer who received an honorary degree from Marist in 1981, 最近在2014年重新装修. 这栋楼里有教室。, 电视工作室, 视频编辑实验室, 计算机实验室, 教师办公室, 协作工作空间. 它也是媒体中心的所在地, which supports the use of audio 和 video instructional technologies to enrich the learning experiences of Marist students across all disciplines, 以及 体育传播中心社交媒体中心.  




乐鱼官网的 体育传播中心 在体育传播的研究和实践方面是否处于全球领先地位, helping to prepare an enlightened 和 engaged group of future leaders in one of society’s most far-reaching disciplines.  The Center has achieved national 和 international recognition for the unique educational experiences it provides to undergraduates. Marist student interns provide industry-st和ard support for the Center’s work under the guidance of dedicated faculty, 给学生无与伦比的机会和机会.  Some Center successes include creating 和 hosting a weekly sports show called “The Classroom” on ESPN’s 广播 network, partnering with both the whatever 和 HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel on sports-related survey research, building a unique speaker series that brings top leaders in the field to campus (including CBS sports broadcaster James Brown 和 Kevin Merida of ESPN sports blog The Undefeated), 并担任行业领先的体育公关峰会的学术合作伙伴.  The Center has also presented Lifetime Excellence in Sports Communication awards to HBO’s Bryant Gumbel 和 ESPN’s Hannah Storm.



Communication students seeking to exp和 their professional toolkit benefit from 乐鱼官网的 社交媒体中心, which is dedicated to educating students in industry-leading practices in social media listening, 订婚, 影响, 和分析. At the heart of the Center is its state-of-the-art comm和 center powered by Salesforce’s Social Studio 和 Comm和 Center platforms. This collaborative workspace features multiple flat-screen TVs displaying real-time social conversations 和分析 和 giving students access to technology that industry professionals use to turn social insights into strategic action. 该中心的演讲嘉宾包括Kelsey Donohue ' 13, former Assistant Press Secretary to First Lady Michelle Obama; Adam Bryant, the Emmy Award-winning Director of Digital Media at AMC Networks; 和 Mark Schaefer, 最畅销的社交媒体营销作者和策略顾问.



圣母学院的学生获得了在令人兴奋的艺术世界中取得成功所需的实践经验, 时尚, 媒体制作, 和沟通.  曼哈顿的乐鱼官网 combines a semester-long residential stay 和 a full-time credit-bearing internship with some of the industry’s top companies, 辅以一组活动, 讲座, 网络的机会, 以及纽约所提供的一切.


玛丽斯特学院的学生曾在赫斯特公司等公司实习, 哈珀斯集市, 康泰纳仕, 《乐鱼官网》杂志, 魅力杂志, 麦迪逊广场花园公司, 体育广告与设计, 惊奇娱乐公司, MTV网络, ABC新闻, CBS体育, 国际日期变更线NBC, BCBG, 香奈儿, 教练, Michael Kors, 和更多的.





我们的时装设计学生发展设计技能, 纺织品, 和更多的, 在他们大四的时候, 他们在专业设计师的指导下设计和执行服装系列.  Fashion Merch和ising majors learn about the planning 和 marketing aspects of the 时尚 business. Both groups of students have the opportunity to practice their skills at dynamic events like New York Fashion Week 和 乐鱼官网的 annual Silver Needle Fashion Show.  通过Marist与纽约时装周的合作, students have worked behind-the-scenes on the 生产 of runway shows by designers including Francesca Liberatore, 贝齐约翰逊, 纳内特Lepore, 宋荣云. The Silver Needle Fashion Show is held every spring to showcase the talents of both Fashion Design 和 Fashion Merch和ising students.  这两个节目完全由学生和教师制作,吸引了2000多名与会者. 资深设计师的服装系列由行业专业人士组成的评审团评判.



实习 at some of the 时尚 industry’s best-known firms are an integral part of the learning experience.  时尚专业的毕业生都在香奈儿(香奈儿)找到了回报丰厚的职业, 拉尔夫•劳伦, 教练, 诺德斯特姆, 梅西百货, 以及其他许多世界级的公司.  除了在佛罗伦萨的乐鱼官网学习, 学生可以通过巴黎独特的课程了解全球时尚趋势, 香港, 和伦敦.  香港的项目侧重于纺织品, 产品开发, 生产, 和采购, while students in Paris 和伦敦 focus on education outside the classroom through internships.



每两年举办一次, 威尼斯双年展是世界上最古老、最负盛名的艺术博览会, 而圣母学院的学生就在其中.  自1895年成立以来, 它一直是前卫的, promoting new artistic trends 和 organizing international events in the contemporary arts in accordance with a multi-disciplinary model which characterizes its unique nature.  

The School’s Biennale program gives students the opportunity to explore the work of global contemporary artists featured at the Biennale sites 和 museums.  学生们沉浸在威尼斯独特的文化中, 意大利,被过去和现在艺术家的作品所包围. The works explored 和 discussed help students draw their own inspirations for their final art project.  两位教员, 以及轮换的客座教授, teach this combined studio/art history program 和 meet with students five days a week for four weeks. 在咨询了指导老师之后, the students work towards creating a body of work that culminates in an exhibition that is an ancillary project of the Biennale.  The concentrations are painting, drawing, sculpture, digital photography, or cross-disciplinary. 参与的学生通常有艺术史或工作室艺术的背景.


有400多名学生, 乐鱼官网的音乐系屡获殊荣,被认为是全国最好的音乐系之一.  It offers 19 instrumental 和 vocal ensembles that have become a performance backbone of the College. 学生们定期在校园的特殊活动中表演, 整个纽约州, 全国各地, 和国外.  演出场地包括卡内基音乐厅和迪斯尼世界. 校园里最引人注目和最活跃的三个组织是大学乐队, 歌手, 及弦乐团. Courses range from applied voice 和 instrumental studies to researching the lives 和 works of renowned composers.  而许多学生选择了音乐辅修, it’s not a requirement for participation in performance ensembles or course offerings -- all that’s needed is a love of music!



Marist has celebrated wondrous amounts of educational research 和 accomplishments from its 传播与艺术学院 students. To learn more about the highlights of commended academic contributions from our students, visit the 研究与成就页面.